China Garment Website_China's popular garment and fashion information platform China Garment News India has become the region with the largest export volume of China’s textile machinery products.

India has become the region with the largest export volume of China’s textile machinery products.

India has become the region with the largest export volume of China’s textile machinery products The organizer of the Asia Textile Machinery Exhibition China International Te…

India has become the region with the largest export volume of China’s textile machinery products

The organizer of the Asia Textile Machinery Exhibition China International Textile Machinery Exhibition revealed today that among the top ten countries and regions in China’s textile machinery exports, Asian countries and regions account for seven, including India.

According to statistics, as of the end of May this year, China’s textile machinery import and export volume was US$2.652 billion, a year-on-year increase of 4.67%, of which the export volume was higher than the import volume. .

The main countries and regions for China’s textile machinery imports are Germany, Japan, Italy, Switzerland and Taiwan; there are as many as 144 exporting countries and regions, among which the top ten are India, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Bangladesh, Japan, Indonesia, Pakistan, Germany, United States and Turkey. These ten countries and regions account for 70% of all exports.

The 2008 China International Textile Machinery Exhibition and ITMA Asia Exhibition, held at the Shanghai New International Expo Center at the end of this month, has nearly 1,400 companies from more than 30 countries participating in the exhibition. It is the largest exhibition in Asia. A large-scale textile machinery exhibition.

The exhibition is co-sponsored by the European Textile Machinery Manufacturing Council, the Textile Industry Branch of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, and the China International Exhibition Center Group Corporation.

According to the organizer, well-known textile machinery companies will bring newly developed products, some of which will be exhibited for the first time, and some of which will be equipment that was just exhibited at last year’s Munich ITMA exhibition. It is expected that 100,000 professional visitors will attend the exhibition. AAASE3RETRUY7I8OFG


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Author: clsrich
