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“Combined boxing” will promote the fabric industry to heat up soon

“Combined boxing” will promote the fabric industry to heat up soon Recently, the introduction of the “Textile Revitalization Plan” has attracted much attention in this …

“Combined boxing” will promote the fabric industry to heat up soon

Recently, the introduction of the “Textile Revitalization Plan” has attracted much attention in this industry. Immediately afterwards, the industry coordinated from top to bottom. Although the hot spots of concern were different, the root causes revolved around the key issues involved in the textile revitalization plan. As the backbone of the fabric industry, its development status and future trends are still the focus of attention.

As President Du Yuzhou, the China Textile Industry Association, said: “The country introduces the planning of the textile industry in a very period of influence in the international financial crisis. Upgrade.” Then, the shrinking of the international market has indeed caused operating difficulties for many domestic textile and garment export companies. However, the competitiveness of China’s textile industry has been greatly improved in recent years, and the domestic demand market has become a driving force for the development of the textile industry.
The fabric industry will undoubtedly become the biggest beneficiary in the “Textile Revitalization Plan”. Moreover, under the guidance of the textile revitalization plan, the benefits of leading fabric companies will be more obvious.
                                                                                                                                                             but     The transformation from big to strong. Among them, the increase in the export tax rebate rate and credit support for small and medium-sized enterprises have been called “heavy adjustments” by industry experts. Among them, the increase in the export tax rebate rate has brought greater benefits to fabric companies. At present, nearly 50,000 textile enterprises above designated size in China will benefit from this, among which fabric enterprises will feel the relief of various pressures in the near future.
Although the export volume of my country’s textile industry will decrease under the current international financial crisis, the market share will increase. Similarly, for the fabric industry to overcome the current difficulties and reach a more stable level, the national government and relevant institutions need to further implement the revitalization plan and formulate relevant supporting measures. At the same time, fabric companies must also increase independent innovation, increase product added value, adjust and optimize product structure, so that fabric companies can achieve sustained and healthy development.
For the fabric industry, confidence alone is not enough. Fabric companies must adjust their development plans as soon as possible and timely to adapt to the new situation. They must seize the time to gain support from national policies and accelerate the pace of adjustment and reorganization. , making fabric companies “big” and “strong”. “Big” not only refers to large scale, but also refers to large market share. “Strong” not only refers to excellent capital, but also includes strong market competitiveness of products.


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Author: clsrich
