China Garment Website_China's popular garment and fashion information platform China Garment News A brief analysis of the causes of wrinkles in cotton knitted fabrics due to dip dyeing

A brief analysis of the causes of wrinkles in cotton knitted fabrics due to dip dyeing

1. The mechanism and factors that produce wrinkles in cotton knitting</p 1.1 The mechanism of wrinkles<br / 棉纤维是一种吸水性很强的纤维.它具有湿变形的特点,用棉纤维制成的棉针织物有此特点。棉针织物的染色加工多数都是湿热的染整加工过程在湿态…

1. The mechanism and factors that produce wrinkles in cotton knitting</p

1.1 The mechanism of wrinkles<br /



1.2. Factors related to fabric variety<br /
除了设备的染色方式特征所决定的性质以外� �织物的品种、种类则是另一颇具影响的因素� �特别是那些高支高密的织物� �如结构紧密的全棉精梳大园机汗布、外衣布、弹性类织物,由于纤维的支数高,密度也相应地大,织造张力大,因而纤维相互之间自由活动余地减少� There is little room for free movement. The smoother the cloth surface and the clearer the texture, the more conspicuous the wrinkle mark phenomenon will be. Generally, mesh with loose structure, striped cotton wool weft knitted fabrics and most warp knitted fabrics will basically not produce wrinkle marks. question �<br /
1.3 Cylinder arrangement problem in production plan<br /
坯布的计划排缸的合理化,不但与色花、色差问题相关联,也与皱印问题有着牵连� �特别是常用500kg以上的大容量的染机� If the cylinder arrangement plan is not appropriate, color difference will also occur. If the cylinder arrangement personnel do not know the characteristics of each specific machine, do not consider the fabric variety, structural characteristics and customer requirements, and just pursue unit yield, the gray fabric on the cylinder arrangement will be too long, If it is too heavy, the folding area of ​​the fabric will be larger in the dyeing machine. �自压的程度也就越严重,致使折皱印保存时问也相应延长� �而时间越长� �越容易形成死折痕� �</p


2. Anti-wrinkle process design<br /
2.1 Application of anti-wrinkle agents<br /
The properties of anti-wrinkle Nc are as follows: colorless and transparent viscous body, non-ionic, high viscosity, pH value of 7, soluble in cold water, resistant to acids, alkalis, salts, and oxidants, good thermal stability, and can be combined with various Dyes and additives are compatible with the bath �也有一定的匀染作用� �有良好的易洗除性在松式浸染上应用� �抗皱剂也是现在常用的措施之一抗皱剂又称为浴中柔软剂� �其主要成分为水溶性的高分子物质与增滑增稠的特种物质混合� �通过增强坯布在染色中的平滑度和纤维湿态回弹性� �促使织物离开折叠区后的再舒展能力,并大大提高织物与织物、织物与机械之间的润滑性能� �使湿坯布在运行过程巾� �特别是在缸体中摩擦阻力减少� �向前滑行顺利� �一旦提升离开折叠区能迅速舒展打开:另又有可使坯布运转一周后回到折叠区域时� �因湿态回弹性加强,有利于折叠纹很可能不再产生在原来的部位上� �就十分有利于减少死皱纹的产生� �</p

2.2 Requirements for standardized operations<br /

(4)加强柔软处理� �已形成折皱的坯布如加强柔软处理可以改善折皱柔软处理能使纤维表面的摩擦系数减少� �恢复折皱变形所需的能量减低,加快内应力的消除,由于柔软处理时温度机械力的作用� �使产生位移的线圈和纱线尽可能的恢复原状� �改善折皱和折痕的程度� �从而避免轻微折皱的产生和减轻折痕�

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Author: clsrich
