China Garment Website_China's popular garment and fashion information platform China Garment News Taiwanese functional textiles enter European and American outdoor leisure markets

Taiwanese functional textiles enter European and American outdoor leisure markets

随着户外及运动休闲生活的兴起,具有各项特殊功能的纺织品受重视程度及需求也愈来愈高。凭借石化产业的基础,以及人造纤维原料品质优良且持续不断的创新,台湾纺织业已朝纺织品功能性及科技化方向发展,并成为全球功能性纺织品生产重地,备受国际品牌瞩目与重视。   根据日本化纤协会统计,2013年台湾人造纤维产量居全球第三,仅次于中国大陆及印度。台湾凭借丰富的量产经验、完整…



Taiwan has an advantageous position as a supply chain partner of the world’s leading brands in the field of functional fabrics. In order to assist Taiwan’s textile industry in exploring the international market, the Taiwan Textile Association organizes groups to participate in more than 30 important international exhibitions every year, especially in sports and outdoor exhibitions. In exhibitions, the Taiwan pavilion is often the largest pavilion. �</p



At the OR Winter Exhibition held in January this year, a total of 29 textile manufacturers and 2 public accountants participated in the event with 39 booths. The participating manufacturers are all well-known textile manufacturers in Taiwan, including: Far East New Century, Lipeng, Xue Changxing, Nanya, Futai, Datong, Xinguang Textile, Jisheng and other companies �优质的供应链厂商齐聚一堂,发挥出强有力的领头羊宣传效应,成功吸引买家造访台湾馆,并成功树立了“搜寻创新技术与产品必造访台湾馆”的形象� �据调查,本届展会上,有近500名买家到访,现场接单预估30万美元,后续将可创造约700万美元商机� �展出期间吸引TheNorthFace、Abercrombie&Fitch、PoloRalphLauren、FOX、Frank&Oak、Yummie、OutdoorCap、ARIAT、SecondSkin等品牌代表前来搜寻新产品� �</p

Generally speaking, functional textiles have the characteristics of “cannot be seen, cannot be touched, and can only be known after using it.” It is difficult for buyers and consumers to directly distinguish the quality of the product from the appearance and touch of the product, resulting in the inability to market such products. Fully demonstrate its functionality in promotion �</p

  因此,台湾纺拓会自2000年起积极规划及推动台湾功能性纺织品(TaiwanFunctionalTextiles,TFT)验证业务,目前共有20项功能性纺织品验证标准� All businesses that have passed the verification can apply for a verification mark from the Textile Industry Association. This functional textile verification mark has been registered in mainland China, Taiwan, the United States, the European Union, Japan, Vietnam and other places. The Textile Industry Association has also registered in key international Market and promote proven functional textiles to further assist industry players in developing international markets �</p

Extended reading: dull-dobby-print-pongee-breathable-fabric/
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Author: clsrich
