China Garment Website_China's popular garment and fashion information platform China Garment News Discuss the nodes of textile industry clusters, professional markets and information services in the new era

Discuss the nodes of textile industry clusters, professional markets and information services in the new era

Discuss the nodes of textile industry clusters, professional markets and information services in the new era Textile industry clusters have become an important economic form of Chi…

Discuss the nodes of textile industry clusters, professional markets and information services in the new era

Textile industry clusters have become an important economic form of China’s textile industry and an important part of China’s textile industry; the textile professional market is another unique economic phenomenon of production and marketing, and is also the combination of production and market. “Textile and Apparel Weekly”, as the journal of China Textile and Apparel Industry Association, is one of the important ways for the association to serve the majority of enterprises, industries, industrial clusters and professional markets. Since its revision this year, it has received widespread attention in the industry.

Facing the new situation at home and abroad, how to find the right nodes and make the journal more effective and targeted to serve the industrial clusters and professional markets is an important issue for the association to serve the industry. On January 13, this magazine held a symposium in Changshu, Jiangsu, with representatives from associations, governments, cluster areas, professional markets, and enterprises to listen to the opinions and content requirements of the clusters and markets on the construction of the publication, and to jointly discuss ways to cooperate in publicity. approach, in order to make Textile and Apparel Weekly play a greater role in improving the industry’s innovation capabilities and promoting industrial upgrading.

Let the journal become a link to the entire industry
President of China Textile Industry Association Du Yuzhou

Textile industry media.��Starting with it, Japanese companies that are actively exploring the Chinese market have also felt positive feedback from the market.
On the other hand, many Chinese companies are no longer satisfied with OEM production for the Japanese market. The time has come to enter the Japanese market by creating their own brands or acquiring Japanese brands. In this way, the relationship between the textile industries of Japan and China has undergone tremendous changes, and I believe there will be greater changes in the future.
Looking forward to future changes, we have to highlight Japan’s environmental protection and environmental protection and energy-saving technologies. As China’s national strategic measure, promoting the implementation of environmental protection, energy conservation and environmental protection is an important national policy. After the pollution problems and oil crisis in the 1970s, Japan began to focus on environmental protection and the development of energy-saving technologies, and its related technologies are also first-rate. In the textile industry, we are also facing many issues: reducing factory production consumption, researching wastewater discharge countermeasures, and recycling waste materials. In the past, the key word for cooperation between Japan and China in the textile industry was “China’s labor force.” I think in the future this key word will become “Japan’s environmental protection and energy-saving technology.”
As a professional media in the textile industry, our functions will become increasingly important. Readers will not be satisfied if they only focus on reporting on problems occurring within their own countries. Through cooperation with foreign media, it is necessary to introduce useful and constructive information to their respective readers from macro and micro perspectives and from both sides’ perspectives. And we should not just focus on introducing industry information, but should also play the role of industry organizer to guide the industry to develop in a healthy and good direction.
Daxian Co., Ltd. is very honored to cooperate with “Textile and Apparel Weekly”, the journal of China Textile and Apparel Industry Association, a highly reputable and excellent partner. I sincerely hope that our cooperation will not be limited to cooperation in publications such as “Japan Fiber Information”. I very much look forward to expanding cooperation between the two parties in areas such as websites and holding seminars to jointly promote the development of the textile industry in both countries AAGFHJTYJUTI


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Author: clsrich
