China Garment Website_China's popular garment and fashion information platform China Garment News “Innovation” seeks change, the textile and garment industry “breaks through” in crisis

“Innovation” seeks change, the textile and garment industry “breaks through” in crisis

“Innovation” seeks change, the textile and garment industry “breaks through” in crisis “The textile and apparel market without Shantou clothing has en…

“Innovation” seeks change, the textile and garment industry “breaks through” in crisis

“The textile and apparel market without Shantou clothing has entered is an incomplete market.” This sentence has now become the consensus of the domestic textile and apparel industry. . This also shows that Shantou’s textile and garment industry plays an important role in the country.

Textiles and clothing are our city’s traditional industries, and their scale ranks first among all industries. At present, there are more than 6,000 textile and garment enterprises in Shantou, with an annual total output value of more than 35 billion yuan. In 2008, the output value of textile and garment enterprises above designated size accounted for 18.34% of the city’s total industrial output value above designated size. There are 41 companies with an annual output value exceeding 100 million yuan. It has created a number of textile and apparel regional brand titles awarded by national industry associations, including Chenghai District, Gurao Town in Chaoyang District, Liangying Town in Chaonan District, Xiashan Street, Chendian Town, and Waisha Town in Longhu District, forming a Each has its own distinctive industrial clusters.

After the outbreak of the international financial crisis, with the comprehensive impact of factors such as the appreciation of the RMB, the sharp increase in the price of land and other resources and energy products, the sharp increase in corporate raw material and labor costs, and the integration of domestic and foreign corporate income tax, coupled with the combined impact of developed countries such as Europe and the United States, As technical trade barriers to my country’s textile and apparel industry continue to increase, the domestic textile and apparel industry has encountered a painful “cold winter”, with some companies reducing production, suspending production or even going bankrupt. The city’s textile and garment export enterprises have also suffered greatly. Most enterprises’ order acceptance has declined compared with the same period last year, and enterprises dare not sign large or long-term orders. In Chaonan District alone, 545 companies in the industry have experienced a decrease in orders since last year. However, Shantou textile and garment enterprises have not been overwhelmed by difficulties. They actively seek “independent changes” to adapt to “external changes.”

On the 13th of this month, Du Yuzhou, president of the China Textile Industry Association, after conducting an on-site investigation of our city’s textile and garment industry, happily wrote the word “innovation” for Aihua Group. “Innovation” is not only a spur to an enterprise, but also the only law for the development of an industry.

In this war-torn “breakout war”, Shantou textile and garment enterprises relied on the sharp sword of “innovation” to fight their way out of the enemy. Shantou Boying Embroidery Co., Ltd., whose order volume has surged against the market trend, is the epitome of such success. The company invested in the introduction of new foreign “one-needle, two-piece” embroidery machines, filling the current gaps in the domestic and foreign embroidery industries. It also developed a series of new products and seized the opportunity to position its products in the market. The company faced the financial crisis. Instead of laying off employees, China-Africa has recruited many high-quality scientific research talents and skilled technical workers, worked hard to expand the market, and improved its marketing personnel network. Due to timely and appropriate response, the company’s orders have increased by nearly 50% compared with the original number. Similar to Boying Company, many companies rely on industrial adjustment, transformation and upgrading to change the previous simple “production to order” export-oriented business model, increase investment in R&D and product innovation, and improve product quality, product added value and Operation and management efficiency, speeding up style updates, adopting proactive product launch methods, especially importing high-efficiency machinery and equipment to improve production efficiency and reduce dependence on labor, and promote the transformation of enterprises from labor-intensive to technology-intensive.

It is precisely because of “innovation” that the number of famous brands in the textile and garment industry ranks first among all industries in our city. “Caesar” and “Manifin” have won the Chinese Famous Brand Products and Chinese Well-known Trademarks respectively, “Aihua” and “Qunfa” 75 brands including Shantou Tianye Industrial Co., Ltd. have obtained provincial famous brand products and famous trademarks; it is precisely because of “innovation” that the production equipment and technology of Shantou’s textile and garment industry are in a first-class position in the country. The “Raomei” brand computer embroidery independently developed by Shantou Tianye Industrial Co., Ltd. The machine has reached the domestic advanced level. 2009 is destined to be a year of ups and downs in the economic situation. Xie Laifa, president of the Municipal Textile and Apparel Industry Chamber of Commerce, believes that this year’s economic situation will see an increase in uncertainties. Factors such as slowing external demand, further intensification of international trade protectionism, and further prominent contradictions between supply and demand in the domestic market may have a further deepening impact on the city’s textile and apparel industry.

However, confidence is more important than gold. Facing the impact of the financial crisis, the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government attached great importance to it and introduced a series of measures to support the development of enterprises. Relevant departments in our city also actively took measures to help enterprises solve their difficulties. All this sends a strong signal to enterprises: the government and enterprises are in the same boat. All this has also helped enterprises build unlimited confidence to survive the “cold winter” and usher in the “warm spring”. Many companies have seen hope in the face of difficulties. Some textile and garment companies said that market conditions have gone up and down. Although companies can only maintain low-profit operations at present, as long as they can survive, there will definitely be opportunities for development. In particular, not long ago, the country increased the export tax rebate rate for some textiles and clothing products, which relieved the pressure on enterprises. Recently, the country also issued the “Textile Industry Adjustment and Revitalization Plan”. “I believe that the ‘severe winter’ in the textile and clothing industry will pass.” .



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Author: clsrich
